Please note that specific returns information applies to specific suppliers, please see further information below.
For all other items, if for any reason you are not happy with your purchase please email us at stating the order number and reason for return. Customers will be provided with the correct return address. Goods must be returned with original packaging with all labels intact and with a copy of the original delivery note.
All goods must be returned to us within 28 days of delivery to receive a refund (less any postage and packaging).
Made to measure or personalised items are non refundable unless faulty, and we must be notified within 7 days of you receiving your bespoke item. You must take photographs of any faulty product and forward these to us.
If your item arrives damages then you must take photographs of the damaged packaging and item. This allows us to claim damages from the delivery provider.
For all returns you will be required to arrange and pay for the return of the goods to us by registered post or special delivery. When returning items you are strongly recommended to obtain proof of posting. Proof of posting will assist you in tracking the shipment should it be reported as lost, damaged, mislaid or otherwise undelivered. Return postage for faulty goods will be reimbursed.
Any goods returned incomplete i.e, parts missing or in condition that prevents re-sale i.e, stains/dog hair etc. will not be refunded.
Please note that refunds will be made using the same method as the original payment. We will process refunds when we have received the returned product. Refunds will usually take 15 working days to clear.
Supplier Specific Returns Information
Our UK customers won't incur any additional VAT, import or courier charges when purchasing from any of our EU-based brand partners.